Issues with Amazon

If you pre-ordered a copy of Conquering Venus from, you might receive a message today telling you that it is unavailable and that action is required on your part to keep your order active. Amazon is dragging its feet in getting the book listed as available -- it was supposed to be out yesterday -- and is now sending out this automated message. If you receive this email, please click the link and keep your order active. Vanilla Heart is working (as much as one can work with Amazon) to try and get the book listed in the system so orders can be fulfilled. My apologies for the delay, and thank you for your patience and support.


christine said…
I almost deleted the message. I'll go in a check to keep the order active.
Anonymous said…
Wow. There is pretty much no excuse for that sorta thing. Shame on you Amazon.
January said…
Don't think I've received the message but I'll check my account for the pre-order info.

Deep breaths!
Semaphore said…
I did get this. Thanks for letting us know about it!

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